Rei Oumi

Dancer for Hire
Gposer & Venue Photographer

About Rei

Race: Veena Viera / Xaela AuRa
Gender: ♂ he/him
Age: 29
Body: 160cm (5'3"), ~50kg (110 lbs) | Petite, lithe, limber
Piercings: Navel & Tongue
Tattoos: White designs on arms, back, and one on chest, faint glow provided by aether
Birthday: 25th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon ♎︎ (9/24)
Class: DNC (90), DRG (90), RPR (90)
Occupation: Venue manager, private dancer
Sexuality: ⚣ Gay / poly / submissive / bottom
Relationship status: Bonded, Open
Looking for RP partners- just for fun or developing a relationship. Open to Mature RP, ERP, and possibly more.Rei prefers tall, muscular dominant men, but has a weakness for AuRa men, Xaela in particular.Not interested in Hroths, Roes, absolutely no Lalas. But open to make friends or run content with anyone.If you are interested, send a tell. Let's trade moon magic codes! ❤

If 18+ you can click here


Possibly one of the shortest Viera, Rei is not only smaller but also more effeminate appearing than many of his peers.Since he trained as a dragoon and is now a dancer by occupation, his body is lithe and limber and his movements graceful with a cat-like agility.Underneath his silky black and magenta bangs, you'll see a pair of odd-coloured eyes peek out- gentle pale blue and lavender that shine bright. Dark lush lashes line those odd-eyes, making them seem even brighter in contrast.It's a toss up whether people notice his unusual horns or ears first. Though others initially think the horns to be a costume piece, they are actually the only manifestation of the Xaela Au Ra in his blood.Meanwhile, his large and fluffy ears are situated perfectly behind those horns, hanging much like those of a lop-eared bunny. The fur on them is ridiculously soft to the touch, and his ears are a highly sensitive spot for him (don't be surprised if he starts blushing and squirming if one keeps touching them).Rei tends to prefer feminine clothing, particularly soft light fabrics that flow well with his dancing.Note: You will need Mare and pair with me to see Rei as depicted here. (Proper lop-ears in game when...)


Rei is a very flirty and friendly yet demure young Viera. Bubbly and bright, he is very personable and always makes his best attempt to treat everyone with kindness and empathy.When it comes to new people, he can be very shy and even anxious initially. Doubly so if it's someone he's attracted to.Although he can be very flirty towards people, when flirts are actually aimed at him, he often gets flustered by it and blushes brightly.Despite this shyness, he is quite a social creature and loves to chat with everyone. But it also means he is very susceptible to feeling lonely without people around.Add a little alcohol to this mix, and drunk Rei becomes very giggly and open, hugging and clinging onto his friends. Just watch how much he drinks, or he'll be tanking the floor.Yet there is also a hidden serious side to him that mostly only shows up when it comes to fighting. The last thing he wants is anyone getting hurt, and will do anything he can to prevent it.As a partner, he is very doting and affectionate and will not at all shy away from PDA- hugs, kisses, and sitting on laps all included. His love languages are touch and service.Most of all, Rei deeply loves and adores those he can call his friends, especially his new found fam.


❤ Rei is a dancer and it's the thing he's best at. Perhaps you'll meet him adventuring as DNC, encounter him in a venue, or hire him for a private dance lesson?❤ Rei is very social and generally willing to have a chat with just about anyone. Who knows where that will lead?❤ There are notable differences about Rei. His horns, the scales decorating his skin, and the unusual ears. If you're curious about them, perhaps you should ask him?❤ Trying to get Rei to talk about his past is difficult and the Viera will clam up at any prodding questions about it. But perhaps get to know him and maybe, just maybe, you might get it out of him.❤ Rei struggles to learn magic classes except for Red Mage. Perhaps he just needs a better teacher to show him how it's done?❤ Rei is still a touch wary around any Viera that still have ties to forests near his former home.❤ ERP: Rei is no stranger to hookups, but would prefer to build a relationship even if it's just FWB. He is also interested in getting more involved with the bdsm community, and would love to explore it more.


❤ Aslan
Aslan is Rei's longest and closest friend, whom he regards as the older brother that he never had. If it wasn't for Alsan, he'd probably still be roaming the streets in some random town in Eorzea.
❤ Suze
Close behind Aslan is Suze, Rei's other best friend. A DJ for Pandemonio and many other venues, Rei does his best to support her however he can.
❤ Nico ❤
Nico is Rei's primary partner to whom he recently was bonded. He'll tell you that they met at one of the nightclubs in Eorzea, but something about it doesn't seem to be the whole truth. Hmmm...
❤ Adopted fam / Pandemonio Staff
Somehow Rei ended up adopted by the Pandemonio Staff, but especially Havok and Aeri (aside from Suze).
❤ Zazi
Zazi is Suze's wife and Rei's adoptive big sis. Once intimidated by her, Rei became good friends with her and looks up to her.


Me: Kou, 30+, They/Them, Queer
Server: NA - Crystal DC
Availability: Flexible hours, CST, Evening and Late night/early AMs
How I RP: Paragraph style, third-person pov, past tense (present tense is also okay). 1-2 sentences minimum to a full paragraph. I do put an emphasis on writing, even if it's ERP.What I will RP: General RP, mature RP, ERP (vanilla, light bdsm). It can be as simple as a date or something more complex. We can discuss it!I will not RP with any writer or character under 21, even SFW.What I'm looking for: Just some fun RP here and there, whether RP or ERP. I'm interested in exploring kinks/bdsm in writing. I'm also interested in exploring more of Rei's background, and learning about other characters as well. It would also be nice to find a long term writing partner that's interested in building a story and relationship with him.About Me
I'm an experienced roleplayer/writer who has been writing RP on and off since the early 2000s. I have only been playing FFXIV since 2021 but have not finished Endwalker yet.
I'm really shy and anxious, but actually very friendly once I feel comfortable.I'm a big fan of communication, so if you don't want to talk outside of RP, I don't think that will work. We don't need to be besties, but being able to discuss free time, plot/scene ideas, and so on is important.OOCly I am only looking for friends, RP partners, Gpose buddies, company to drag around to venues, and run content with.


As many Viera were, Rei was raised in a village that was located deep in the forests, far outside the city of Gridania which he would later call home. Allegedly abandoned soon after his birth, he was adopted by an older Veena who took pity on him in the village. Throughout his time there, he was tended to by his older sisters more than his mother, however.Rei was never told that he was adopted, but as he was nearing the age of 13, it became quite obvious as the young male Viera began developing horns. It seemed that one of his parents may have been Xaela Au Ra, but Rei never would find any information on them, and anyone he asked about them refused to answer.Rei's maturing and development of male characteristics lagged behind his peers. He was several years older than the norm before he was removed from the village and forced to begin his training as a Wood-warder.When told that his entire life's purpose now was to guard the woods, and the only time he'd ever get to venture into the village would be to mate, it horrified Rei. He wanted nothing to do with that, and had simply wanted to stay with his sisters.But beyond that, the brutal training of the Wood-warder ways nearly broke him, more so than any of the bullying he'd endured thus far. Some of the younger ones with him didn't survive it, but Rei managed to persevere.One night, putting that same training to use, Rei managed to run away from the village. Initially getting lost in the depths of the forest for some days, but he eventually made his way to another non-Viera village with the help of a kind travelling merchant that fatefully came across his path.Rei struggled trying to find a new home for himself. All he wanted was to live in peace, but he ran into people who either bullied him or took advantage of him and his innocent naivete. He barely knew the world outside what had been his home. Eventually, he took up residence in Gridania. There were less problems in that bigger city, but they didn’t vanish completely. Still, it was peaceful compared to the life he’d known before. It became about the closest to a new home that he’d had.Tired of struggling and making gil through lesser means, Rei reluctantly picked up the spear again and took up the role of a lancer for hire. Some years would pass but running into the Azure Dragoon shifted the course of Rei's life. A set of events would lead to him taking up the brutal training of the dragoons. Thanks largely to his previous wood-warder training, he persevered and even excelled at it, although he never was granted the official "dragoon" title.Sometime in his 20s, Rei briefly moved to Limsa Limosa. It was once he’d settled there that he took up lessons to become a dancer. The agility and grace required for it came to him naturally and he soon found an occupational calling for his skills outside simply adventuring.While he was staying in Limsa, Rei met and befriended a fellow Viera named Aslan and his future husband, a Miqo'te named Kanom'a. Rei had plenty of acquaintances and brief one-time friendships, but the pair became his first real friends. He especially took a liking to Aslan, viewing him as an older brother.To satiate his love for music, dancing, and simply having fun and forgetting the rest of the world for a bit, Rei began exploring Eorzea’s nightlife. He visited bars and clubs, a few taverns here and there, a bathhouse or two, but it was the club known as Pandemonio he kept returning to every night it was open. He felt welcome there, and over time made new connections and friendships thanks to it.Which brings Rei's story to current time, where he is a fixture at Pandemonio and Santeria and has found himself being accepted into a new family after living so long without one.


A simple list of things the bun needs to grab from the FFXIV store!I feel like it should go without saying, but this is 100% entirely optional and I DO NOT expect gifts from anyone at all. Please don't feel like I'm demanding any of these things or put yourself in any sort of financial discomfort just for a cute bunboi. 💗Any tips or gifts are very heavily appreciated beyond words! If you'd like, I can show my thanks with a custom gpose screenshot of Rei (with your character if you'd like!)

FFXIV Store💜 Any dance emotes besides Songbird, Box Step, Cheer Set (Side Step, Get Fantasy, etc)
💜 Toast Emote 🔗
💜 Loyal Housemaid's Uniform 🔗
💜 Collegiate Attire (Skirt) 🔗
💜 Any amount of game time!
💜 For SE to please stop gender locking outfits!!
If you'd like to tip me, but we aren't friends in-game, or you would like to tip a different amount,there's always my ko-fi!